Aga Khan Education Service, Afghanistan

"I have come to the conclusion that there is no greater form of preparation for change than education. I also think that there is no better investment that the individual, parents, and the nation can make than an investment in education of the highest possible quality."

Prince Karim Aga Khan IV
Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, October 2002

Aga Khan Education Service, Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, AKES programmes serve nearly 25,000 students and operate 70 Early Childhood Development (ECD) along with 50 English, 18 ICT and 20 Supplementary Education centres.

These various programmes operate in 15 districts across six provinces within Afghanistan which enable students to develop English Language and Information Technology skills, thereby equipping students with the necessary foundation upon which to access higher education and further develop technical skills.

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Contact Us

AKES Afghanistan
House #14
Street #3 Ansari Watt
District 4, Kabul