Cooperation delivers results – a tribute to teachers

04 June 2020

Like many, many other schools, the AKES Senior Academy in Nairobi switched to virtual learning following the outbreak of Covid-19, with little idea how it would turn out.

Cooperation delivers results – a tribute to teachers

Two months on the news is good. Under the leadership of the school Head Mr. Christian Schmelz, the transition was smooth and learning has continued in ways that leave students and parents impressed. So much so, that when Vincent Manyura, Careers Counselor for the Senior School, asked the students during one of his Career Counseling lessons about a school project that would showcase the importance of collaboration, they unanimously agreed to do a 10 minute ‘Thank you video’ for teachers. The students took control; they assigned themselves roles and through online coordination and team work, came up with a video that pays tribute to their teachers.

This is what some of the students had to say:

“I was extremely happy to do the video because it gave me the opportunity to bring joy to my teachers during this difficult time, to make them smile or laugh a little in the middle of all this weirdness” Njoki Mukuria.

“Giving the teachers the appreciation that they need whilst collaborating with my fellow school mates was very exciting and I felt a sense of school unity. The video is a show of the students’ capability to work together and speak on something that is true to their hearts. The teachers do such an amazing job, and even during a global pandemic, they are able to stay positive and perform to the best of their ability” Erica Njenga.

"It felt really great to share with the teachers how special they are. I was happy to show them how everyone is truly grateful for the work, effort, dedication and time they put in for us." Nicole Ndungu.

Well done students and teachers of Aga Khan Academy Nairobi, Senior School.