Students from The Aga Khan School, Dhaka receive prestigious awards for IGCSE results

16 December 2022

Five students from The Aga Khan School, Dhaka (AKS, D) achieved Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards for their excellent results in the June 2022 Cambridge exams.

Determined by Cambridge Assessment International Education, the global awards recognise Grade 11 and 12 students with the highest standard marks or outstanding results in their Cambridge exams, both nationally and around the world. 

From AKS, D, five students received awards for their results in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) or Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level exams. For IGCSE, Muhammad Zainul Tahsin Hakim received three awards: "Top in the World" in mathematics, "Top in Bangladesh" in chemistry and "Top in Bangladesh" in physics. Additionally, Mohammad Shadman Samin, Aryan Islam and Sheikh Fardin Sadman received the "Top in Bangladesh" awards for biology, chemistry and economics, respectively. For AS Level, Adiba Khan Astha received a "High Achievement" award for environmental management. 

“This surreal experience gave me a taste of success,” Adiba said. “It showed me what hard work can lead to and now I want to aim even higher.” 

The AKS, D students, along with their peers from schools across Bangladesh, were honoured at a global awards ceremony at the International Convention City Bashundhara in Dhaka on 9 December 2022. Renowned guests included Minister of Science and Technology Yeafesh Osman, His Excellency Robert Chatterton Dickson, British High Commissioner, and Acting Director of the British Council David Knox.

Congratulations to these students and all AKS, D students who participated in any of the Cambridge exams.

  • AKS, D students who received awards for their results