Aga Khan Nursery School, Mombasa celebrates International Day of Mathematics

15 March 2023

On 14 March, the Aga Khan Nursery School (AKNS), Mombasa celebrated International Day of Mathematics, with this year’s theme being, “Mathematics for Everyone”.

Aga Khan Nursery School, Mombasa celebrates International Day of Mathematics Aga Khan Nursery School, Mombasa celebrates International Day of Mathematics
Focusing on this year’s theme to make mathematics accessible and inclusive for all, the school’s teachers and support staff came together with the students to explore various mathematics activities inside and outside the classroom.  

“I wish every day we could do number games,” said Omar Mbere, a K2 blue student at AKNS, Mombasa. “It is fun and [the teachers] helped us learn a lot.”  

Laughter and joy could be heard in the school’s classrooms, corridors, playground, library and IT room as the students actively participated in the activities planned by the teachers.  

“Everything around us is all about numbers and it’s fun to teach this to our students,” said Music Teacher Janet Maleve. 

Photos (top to bottom):
  • Students participating in activities for International Day of Mathematics
  • Students engaging in creative activities for International Day of Mathematics
  • Student creating numbers using colourful disks for International Day of Mathematics