Aga Khan School, Meragram


The school now serves almost 300 students, 47% of which are female. English is the medium of instruction and the school teaches pre-primary through high.


The Aga Khan School, Meragram is over three decades old. The school started in 1982 as a primary school with an initial enrolment of 56 students in a Jamatkhana with a single teacher. It was upgraded to middle school in 1991, community initiated a high school in 2004 and it was upgraded into K-12School in 2019.

The school now serves over 300 students, 47% of which are female. English is the medium of instruction and the school teaches pre-primary through high.

The school is affiliated with BIESP (Peshawar board of examination). Starting 2016, the Middle School Programme affiliated with the Aga Khan University Examination Board has been initiated.

The school offers professional development to all its staff, taking place once a month for 6 hours each, totalling 72 hours per year.


New admissions take place in March and April every year.

For the admission process, we require:

  • Form B or birth certificate
  • Previous school's reports and certificates, where applicable
  • Admission application form
  • Parents' / guardian's CNIC

Contact details

For more information, please contact:

Aga Khan School, Meragram II
Village Meragram No.2
Tehsil Mastuj
District Chitral
Phone: (+92) 3419433783