The Diamond Jubilee High School, Mumbai

The Shishu Pahel Paddhati© at the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) level, is a well-researched methodology developed by AKES,I. Based on the High-Scope international curriculum, it has been adapted to local needs.

About Us

The Diamond Jubilee High School, Mumbai (DJHSM), under the flagship of the Aga Khan Education Service, India (AKESI), strives to enable students to acquire both knowledge and the essential wisdom to balance that knowledge and enable their lives to attain the highest fulfilment.

Founded in the year 1947 by Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah, Aga Khan III, as the Diamond Jubilee Boys High School, the school has aimed to provide quality education to students from all backgrounds. It invests and optimally utilizes infrastructure and resources while working with a team of dedicated teachers and collaborating with the community. Since 2012, DJHSM has been a co-educational institution following the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) curriculum. It offers classes from Nursery to Grade 10.

The school serves over 1,500 students and offers a wide range of educational experiences to enable its students to become thought leaders in our progressive world.

DJHSM has achieved a 100% pass percentage in the ICSE results for the past 10 years. In 2018-2019, 21 students scored above 90%, 55 students scored between 75%-89% and 10 students achieved a first class. The average result in 2018-2019 was 81%. From 2014 to 2019, the school has shown an upward trend of success in the ICSE board exams. Over 95% of students scored a distinction and above. Each year, students who have no additional private tuition support shine amongst the top 5 rankers. They solely depend on the school for support and guidance to achieve this success.

DJHSM has been awarded three prestigious awards in recognition of its quality education; the National School Curriculum Award by Mid-Day (2018), the award for Holistic Development by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (2018) and the ELDROK - K-12 award for Comprehensive Curriculum (2018). Additionally, the school Principal, Ms. Nutan Iyer, won the Prestigious Asian Education Award in 2020 for her contribution to the field of education.

Vision, Mission and Core Values


Enriching lives by creatively enhancing and sustaining quality education in a relevant global environment.


To enable many generations of students to acquire both knowledge and the essential wisdom to balance that knowledge and enable their lives to attain the highest fulfilment.

Core Values

We strive towards excellence with an earnest desire to continually improve, learn and grow.

Ethical Standards
Ethical values such as integrity, honesty and responsibility serve as a guiding light in challenging situations. The staff model the highest standards of ethics for students to observe and follow.

Pluralism and Diversity
India is a melting pot of cultures, customs and traditions. Appreciating this diversity and having a pluralistic attitude is key to becoming contributing members of society. The school environment, staff and practices acknowledge and reflect this belief.

Life-Long Learning
We are constantly learning and evolving to facilitate an excellent education for our students.

Global Citizenship
We provide students with adequate opportunities to develop and hone their perspectives. They are encouraged to be mindful about the world beyond them and its impact on their lives and vice-versa. The school strives to instil the values, attitudes and behaviours that support global citizenship – creativity, innovation, commitment to peace, human rights and sustainable development.

Message - Head of School

In the words of His Late Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV at the Aga Khan University Convocation in Karachi, Pakistan on 6 December 2006, "The spirit of the Knowledge Society is the spirit of Pluralism – a readiness to accept the other, indeed, to learn from each other, to see differences as an opportunity rather than a threat."

At the Diamond Jubilee High School, we have embraced these differences and celebrate them in every aspect of our school life. Our students see magic in the everyday and enjoy the gifts of curiosity and laughter. Welcome to the Diamond Jubilee High School, Mumbai!

The school has completed more than a decade of securing excellent academic results, especially in the ICSE examinations.

Holistic development is not possible without blending 21st Century skills - critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and leadership, verbal and non-verbal communication, creativity and innovation, cultural and global awareness, citizenship, character education and ethical grounding and finally compassion for fellow people and the environment.

Therefore, co-curricular activities form an integral part of our teaching and learning process.

DJHSM has a strong award-winning teaching faculty and the average experience of our teachers is more than 10 years. We have a strong student support system of trained Counsellors and Special Educators who work on the Social-Emotional Learning and Development of our children.

Our children are encouraged to be their authentic selves and shine like diamonds. They are nurtured to embrace this beautiful world with all its complexities.

Principal - Nutan Iyer

Our Student Council

The Student Council was established to provide students with the voice and choice to create a mindset of self-direction and a powerful student-centric movement. Members have the opportunity to hone their intrapersonal and interpersonal skills and learn about the ethics of fair governance and the essence of democracy. Some of the key skills that they develop include reflection, responsibility for oneself and others, teamwork, valuing multiple perspectives and leadership.

The Student Council consists of a Primary Student Council (Grade IV) and Secondary Student Council (Grades IX and X) with 14 and 28 members respectively on each council. These council members are democratically elected by their fellow students and teachers based on the following parameters - integrity, leadership and academic consistency. The Student Council is led by the School Captains (Head Boy and Head Girl), School Vice Captains, Cultural Captains and Vice Captains, Sports Captains and Vice Captains and the House Captains and Vice Captains.

School House System

DJHSM follows a traditional methodology of apportioning pupils into smaller groups, known as houses, and thus creating smaller communities within the wider school community. This enables the students within the groups to demonstrate and develop social values and team spirit.

Each house's name is inspired by various eminent personalities in India. The four houses have a symbol, name and color - Mahatma Gandhi House (Yellow), Mother Teresa House (Blue), A.P.J. Abdul Kalam House (Red) and Rabindranath Tagore House (Green). Furthermore, each House is represented by the House Captain (a student) and led by the House Master (a teacher).

Every student from Grade 1 onwards is assigned to one of the houses and remains in the same house throughout his/her school life. The students contribute to their house by participating in various Inter-House Competitions in sports, cultural, academic and discipline related activities throughout the year. The house with the most points wins the coveted trophy of ‘Diamond House' for the academic year.

Our Parents

At DJHSM we firmly believe that parents play a pivotal role in the functioning of a school and the overall development of their children. Parents of all sections are offered a variety of opportunities to participate in various activities of the school. They are also invited as resource persons to interact with students and other parents. Parents are encouraged to volunteer their time and support the school to facilitate their child's overall development. Parent attendance on Open Days and Parent Teacher Meetings (PTM's) is compulsory.

The school also seeks parental cooperation through its Parents Teachers Association – Executive Committee (PTA- EC) body. The PTA comprises of parents from the Primary and Secondary Sections who are elected under the guidelines of the State Education Department. The PTA-EC has one parent and one teacher as representatives of each grade. PTA-EC elections are conducted at the beginning of each academic year. Thus, the school encourages an on-going partnership between with parents to ensure smooth functioning of its operations and to support the community.


DJHSM's alumni have forayed into diverse professions and have kept the school flag flying high. Each year, alumni of different cohorts volunteer to host the Back to School reunion event. Everyone is invited to relive, recall and revive the best times of their lives.

The school encourages its alumni to stay connected through the Alumni Coordinator, Ms. Lee Krishnan, and participate in school activities throughout the year.

For more information, contact: +91 22 2376 7760

For more information, please contact us:

Diamond Jubilee High School, Mumbai (ICSE)
39 / 43 Diamond Complex, Nesbit Road
Mumbai - 400 010
Phone: +91 22 2376 7760
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