The Aga Khan Lycée, Khorog

Vision, Mission and Philosophy
The AKELC mission is to offer broad, holistic early childhood education on secular and non-denominational basis that demonstrates internationally recognized standards of excellence.

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Enrolment Information

To become a nationally recognized model STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) school in terms of educational achievement ensuring that our graduates are prepared to be competitive in and contribute to local, regional, and global society.

To provide high quality learning opportunities so that students are equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to meet the intellectual, physical, and socio-emotional demands of the 21st century.

Annually, students at AKL are admitted largely into Grade 0 (6 years of age), and if vacant seats are available in Grades 1 – 10.

Admission to Grade 0 is based on an oral interview, as well as a paper-based performance on various competencies required at entry, including the following:

  • knowledge of mathematics/numeracy;
  • language and literacy (English, Russian and Tajik) knowledge and skills;
  • sense of responsibility towards others;
  • problem solving and creativity;
  • ability to classify, understand patterns, themes, contrasts.

In grades 1 – 10, there are paper-based entrance tests which assess numeracy and literacy skills based on the exit criteria of the previous grade, as well as, verbal reasoning, followed by face-to-face interviews.

School Fees

The monthly school fees per student during the academic year 2018-2019 are as follows:

  • Grade 0: 594 Tajik Somoni
  • Grades 1-9: 594 Tajik Somoni
  • Grades 10-11: 627 Tajik Somoni

Financial Aid

Families are eligible for remission or financial aid based on their circumstances, economic or otherwise. For more information, families should contact the School Director through a written request.

Each year, AKL also provides admissions for study into Grades 10 and 11, for the top two students in Grade 10 from each of the seven districts of GBAO. A written assessment is carried out with all eligible candidates, and selected students are also eligible for financial support to cover tuition fees and living allowances.

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