The Aga Khan School, Mundra

Ozone Day at the Aga Khan School, Mundra

22 September 2023

On 16 September 2023, Grade 4 students at the Aga Khan School (AKS), Mundra took centre stage to raise awareness about the imperative need to protect the Earth’s ozone layer.

Ozone Day at the Aga Khan School, Mundra Ozone Day at the Aga Khan School, Mundra Ozone Day at the Aga Khan School, Mundra
The event commenced with an engaging skit that aimed to shed light on the importance of the ozone layer in sustaining human life, while highlighting the potential consequences of its depletion. The young performers informed the audience of the main causes of ozone layer depletion, like the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other pollutants. Through their creative storytelling, the students effectively conveyed the vital role played by the ozone layer in shielding life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiations, allowing life to thrive beneath it.  

As the skit unfolded, the students skilfully depicted the potential consequences of ozone depletion, showcasing how increased UV radiation could lead to issues like skin diseases, respiratory problems, harm to wildlife and damage to plant life. This part of the presentation was particularly impactful, making the students sitting in the audience realise the real-world implications associated with this issue.  

Shelza Giri, one of the Grade 4 students, shared how the experience of being a part of the skit changed her perspective on the importance of the ozone layer. 

“I was a part of the Ozone Day skit, and this experience made me aware of how our actions contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer,” she said. “Now we have learnt how to play our part in protecting our environment and preventing further damage to our ozone layer.” 

To further highlight the message, students from Grade 10 and 12 created thought-provoking posters on ozone depletion. These posters effectively portrayed the science behind ozone depletion and its environmental and health consequences. Utilising striking visuals and concise information, they raised awareness to their fellow students about this critical issue.  

"Preventing ozone layer depletion may not be easy, but by taking steps to address it, we and future generations can lead healthier lives as ozone depletion is linked to various life-threatening diseases," said Rudra Patel, a Grade 10 student. 

The combination of the skit and the impactful posters educated members of the school about preserving the ozone layer, serving as a reminder that collective efforts are essential. 

 Photos (top to bottom): 
  • Students performing a skit.
  • Artwork by the students.