Aga Khan School, Osh

Trained and skilled teachers provide a varied, interesting and enriched experience for learners.


Teacher Recruitment

The Aga Khan School, Osh, with support from the Aga Khan Education Service, Kyrgyz Republic, is strongly committed to delivering quality education. Trained and skilled teachers provide a varied, interesting and enriched experience for learners.

Teachers are, therefore, carefully recruited through a rigorous selection process. Members of the school leadership and administration participate in the interview process. The teacher selection criteria include competence and experience in the subject area, understanding of modern teaching pedagogy, commitment to student-centred learning, adaptability to change and experience with youth development.

Continuing Professional Development

Prior to the beginning of the academic year, all teachers participate in training conducted by an in-house professional development team.

Teachers receive 12 days of professional development throughout the year. Additionally, during the school term they are provided with instructional support and coaching by the heads of departments and school management team. The content of the training is needs-based and reflects the use of interactive, student-centred and critical thinking approaches, enhancement of English language proficiency, use of ICT in teaching and learning, and more.

From 2017 onwards, an emphasis has been placed on developing the English language proficiency of all leadership and teachers through blended programmes offered by Cambridge English.

Teacher Performance Review And Quality Education

The school appraises its staff annually. During this process, each teacher has their performance assessed based on their participation in professional development, the quality of their classroom performance and student achievement, their involvement in school life, and their contribution to the improvement of quality teaching and learning.

Aga Khan School, Osh Senior Management Team

Natalya Deryabkina
School Director
Phone: +996 322 248 215 / 554 170 951
E-mail: Send an e-mail
School secretary:
Gulzina Myrzaibraimovav
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Phone: +996 550 257 200
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Jypara Ikramova Mamadzhanovna
Deputy Director for Student Services
Phone: +996 772 838 246
E-mail: Send an e-mail
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