Aga Khan School, Osh

Aga Khan School, Osh named “Best School of the Year” in the Kyrgyz Republic

23 December 2024

The Aga Khan School (AKS), Osh has been awarded the “Best School of the Year” national title for 2024, bestowed by the prestigious independent magazine “Jetigen”. 

Aga Khan School, Osh named “Best School of the Year” in the Kyrgyz Republic Aga Khan School, Osh named “Best School of the Year” in the Kyrgyz Republic Aga Khan School, Osh named “Best School of the Year” in the Kyrgyz Republic
According to the survey conducted by the magazine, the non-profit, non-denominational and co-educational school has been highlighted as the best school in the country for providing a safe and inclusive learning environment with a strong commitment to educational achievement. This can be seen with the school being the first private school in Osh city offering a broad curriculum that enables graduates to access careers of their choice.   

“The ‘Best School of the Year’ award recognising the Aga Khan School, Osh as the best school in the country proves the non-stop efforts of our teachers, staff, students and their parents, who continue to aim to create a high-quality educational environment at the school,” said School Director Natalia Deryabkina. “We strive for excellence and constantly introduce innovative teaching methods that help our students develop critical thinking skills and creativity. This award inspires the entire school community to further achievements, reminding us that achieving important milestones involves a collaborative effort.”  

Since its establishment in 2002, AKS, Osh aims to prepare students for leadership, service and lifelong learning, all of which are needed to succeed in a highly competitive world. The school sets the foundation for this through its primary grade levels for students aged 7 to 17 and is carried forward in the higher grade levels at the school. Students are also provided with numerous resources and opportunities to support them in their educational journey, such as TV screens, projectors, high-speed internet and more installed in classrooms; access to over 17,000 learning resources, including textbooks and books in various genres through the school’s Learning Resource Centre; and various extracurricular programmes to enhance their learning and skills outside the classroom.  Additionally, AKS, Osh recently underwent a two-year renovation to modernise its facilities and ensure the continuity of quality education.  

The school is also committed to implementing project-based learning through science, technology, education, art and mathematics (STEAM) initiatives. For example, a STEAM Festival is held at the school annually for its students to showcase their projects to their peers, teachers, parents, neighbouring government schools and others. Additionally, teachers at the school are encouraged to participate in professional development workshops and programmes to develop their knowledge in these fields as well.   

“The STEAM festival provided [my child] a unique opportunity to meet and interact with professionals in various fields, which broadened his horizons,” said Murzakulova Mariam, a mother of a Grade 11 student at AKS, Osh. “Participating in competitions and workshops also developed his creativity and self-confidence. He became more open and sociable and learnt how to work in a team and share his thoughts with others. I am sure that this experience will make a positive impact on his future.”  

Periodically AKS, Osh shares its best practices with partnering government schools on topics such as how to tackle climate change by raising awareness and brainstorming sustainable initiatives. For example, the school’s Eco Club, an extracurricular programme where students research and propose environmentally friendly initiatives, collaborated with government schools in Osh on environmental-related initiatives. The students’ efforts were also presented at the Schools2030 Global Forum in June 2024 in Kyrgyz Republic, which brought together over 200 delegates from key educational institutions from more than 30 countries.   

Additionally, the school is among the pioneers in the city dedicated to reducing its dependency on fossil fuels and lowering its carbon emissions in line with the Aga Khan Development Network’s aim to become net zero carbon by 2030. This can be seen with the school’s recent renovation project, which will reduce the school’s energy and water consumption by incorporating solar and energy-efficient heating solutions and reduced water flow devices, respectively.  

The school in Osh also aims to prepare young people for the world of work by equipping students with the skills they need to become active, responsible and engaged citizens. Since its first graduating class in 2007, most graduates from the school have obtained admission to prestigious universities locally and internationally. The school takes pride in its alumni, some of whom are serving the country and its people or receiving national recognition for their impressive academic achievements in university.   

"When I look back on my years at school, I realise that this was not just a place where I acquired knowledge, but a real forge that shaped me as a person,” shared Class of 2022 alumnus Azim Abdykadyrov, who is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in business administration at the North American University in the US. “Inspiring lessons and constant support from teachers allowed me to grow and believe in myself. The experience I obtained at AKS, Osh became the foundation for my future, and I am eternally grateful for every moment spent in the school.” 

The “Best School of the Year” national title that the Aga Khan School, Osh has received is an incredible achievement for the school, recognising its commitment to providing quality education to its students and beyond.   
More info on the “Jetigen”: The "Jetigen" is an independent magazine aimed at a diverse audience in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is published in Kyrgyz and Russian, with a monthly distribution of 20,000 copies across the Kyrgyz Republic. The “Jetigen” is the most widely circulated magazine in the Kyrgyz Republic, with the highest subscriber rates. It annually conducts the "Best of the Year" award ceremony in December, recognising the top contributors across several industries that promote national advancement in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

Photos (top to bottom):
  • School Director Natalia Deryabkina with the "Best School of the Year" award. 
  • Primary grade level students in their newly renovated classroom.
  • Students are exposed to more resources and opportunities in their newly renovated chemistry lab.
  • Across the school, students participate in various environmentally friendly initiatives, such as establishing waste management systems.